Appendix : Fieldnames

Products Fields

“Product Fields”
Fieldname Explanation
sku SKU of Product
store_view_code StoreView Code of the StoreView to import
attribute_set_code Attribute Set Code
product_type Product Type
categories TODO
product_websites TODO
name TODO
description TODO
short_description TODO
weight TODO
product_online TODO
tax_class_name TODO
visibility TODO
price TODO
special_price TODO
special_price_from_date TODO
special_price_to_date TODO
url_key TODO
meta_title TODO
meta_keywords TODO
meta_description TODO
base_image TODO
base_image_label TODO
small_image TODO
small_image_label TODO
thumbnail_image TODO
thumbnail_image_label TODO
swatch_image TODO
swatch_image_label TODO
created_at TODO
updated_at TODO
new_from_date TODO
new_to_date TODO
display_product_options_in TODO
map_price TODO
msrp_price TODO
map_enabled TODO
gift_message_available TODO
custom_design TODO
custom_design_from TODO
custom_design_to TODO
custom_layout_update TODO
page_layout TODO
product_options_container TODO
msrp_display_actual_price_type TODO
country_of_manufacture TODO
additional_attributes TODO
qty TODO
out_of_stock_qty TODO
use_config_min_qty TODO
is_qty_decimal TODO
allow_backorders TODO
use_config_backorders TODO
min_cart_qty TODO
use_config_min_sale_qty TODO
max_cart_qty TODO
use_config_max_sale_qty TODO
is_in_stock TODO
notify_on_stock_below TODO
use_config_notify_stock_qty TODO
manage_stock TODO
use_config_manage_stock TODO
use_config_qty_increments TODO
qty_increments TODO
use_config_enable_qty_inc TODO
enable_qty_increments TODO
is_decimal_divided TODO
website_id TODO
related_skus TODO
related_position TODO
crosssell_skus TODO
crosssell_position TODO
upsell_skus TODO
upsell_position TODO
additional_images TODO
additional_image_labels TODO
hide_from_product_page TODO
bundle_price_type TODO
bundle_sku_type TODO
bundle_price_view TODO
bundle_weight_type TODO
bundle_values TODO
bundle_shipment_type TODO
associated_skus TODO